Saturday, December 5, 2009

Newsletter, December 5, 2009

This Week:
This week we completed some art activities, word work, and comprehension work using the book titled Where the Wild Things Are. This has been a really fun mini unit for the kids and me! Completed work will be sent home when we have wrapped it up.

Needed Items:
I would like to borrow as many copies of The Mitten by Jan Brett as possible. If you have a copy the class we can use, please put your name on the inside cover and send it to school. Thank you!

Giving Campaign: Thank you to all who donated to the Giving Campaign! Your donations mean a great deal to the teachers. We are able to do so much with our curriculum and provide your children with wonderful learning opportunities due to your generous contributions.


Teacher Work Day: On Friday, Dec. 11 the teachers have a work day to prepare report cards, so it is day off from school for the kiddos.

Gifts Galore: Wednesday, Dec. 16 in the morning.
This is a great fund raiser for our Sparrow Hunter. It is like a huge garage sale with prices $1 or less! Children bring $5 or less to school and go shopping for Christmas gifts for their families. All the money raised will go to Hunter and his family through the Sparrow Foundation. If you have items to donate to Gifts Galore bring them to school. Please do not bring clothing or any large items! All gifts are wrapped at the event, so if you would like to donate tape and or wrapping paper that would be awesome! You can go to the Dollar Store for those items! If you would like to volunteer with this event let me know and I will be happy to set you up!

Hat, Mittens, Coats Drive: There are boxes by the front office to place all of your gently used items. These items will be donated to a local clothing bank.

Canned Food Drive: We are trying to line the halls with food! Please consider donating cans or boxes of food to help line the halls! All food will be donated to a local food bank. So far we have 6 cans in front of our room!

Pennies for Peace:We are once again raising money for school in third world countries. If you would like to donate pennies to the cause, we have a collection container in our room.

Holiday Party: We will once again we will have a mellow, calm holiday party with Ms. Doyle's 2/3 class. We will be decorationg a snowman cookie and completing a holiday craft. On Monday, I will have a sign up list of items needed and volunteers.

Pajama Day and Craft Day: On Friday, December 18 everyone in the school gets to get up in the morning and come to school in their pajamas! We also get to make fun crafts. If you are interested in helping let me know!

This week in Math we worked on:
Addition and Subtraction
Time - review the the hour
Introduced the term "half past"
Worked on Number Stories (word problems)
3 minute timed math test (Wow! This was this an exciting day for the kiddos!)
Frames and Arrows: With these activities the children are either following a given rule or finding the rule.

Number Model Sentence- a fancy word for a basic addition or subtraction problem Ex. 3+4=7
Addition: Change to more
Subtraction: Change to less

First off,just a few friendly teacher reminders:
  • Help your children stay organized. Go through their home folders each night with them. Take out old materials. Many children are not turning in their homework. The excuses I am hearing from the children are: We were too busy over the weekend. My mom wouldn't let me do it. My dad has it. I forgot. The children not turning in their work are developing habits that will affect their education in the future. Please help them develop positive habits now.
  • Help your children with the math homework. This includes making sure they are writing their numbers the write way and answering the questions correctly! We do not want our children to practice doing things the WRONG way. If they do.... they will learn to do it WRONG. We want our children to practice doing things the RIGHT way so they will learn to apply the concepts correctly.
  • Make sure your children write their names on their homework. They often do not recognize their own work so they can't figure out which work is theirs. If I can't figure it out and they can't figure it out, they get to do it again!
Actual Homefun activities!
~ Correct and complete timed math test (this is optional. Students who do this receive a Positive Piper slip)
~ Studying sight words - please work on spelling as well!!! remember each time your child practices their words, sent in a note and they get a Positive Piper Slip!
~ Math homelinks - going above and beyond the work given will earn your child a Positive Piper Slip!
~ Reading (week long project) please return Take Home Book Envelopes on Monday.
~ NO poem folder went home this week.

Have a great weekend.