Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 23

We are working on creating the song Gabriella sings on her adventures in Venice. The children have been working really hard on composing both the musical and instrumental components of the song. I am really excited about what they have done. I think you will be amazed at the end product.
As I have mentioned earlier, the children will be putting on a modified play/retelling of Gabriella's Song. Your children will be bringing home scripts later this week, hopefully by Wednesday. It will be very important that they practice reading their parts at home.

Due to the fact that we are coming to the end of the school year as well as entering the "preparing for the culmination" stage of the year, I may be sending math journals home with the children as homework. So, if your child brings his or her math journal home, it may be for one of two reasons. He or she either did not get it done during the given class time or everyone is taking it home for the day. Please let me know if you have any concerns about this. I will not be sending home homelinks and math journals on the same night.

Completing homework is expected. Not completing homework occasionally is fine. We all have those days and nights! However, not turning in any homework assignments for the week in not an exception, it is a pattern. As your child moves through school, homework will continue to be expected. Please help your children with this aspect of school, support them and give them the guidance that they need. Help them develop good habits now and life will be much easier later!

Some tips~
Check your child's homework folder nightly. (Some children have items in their folders from APRIL!!!)
Have your child share what he or she completed during the school day.
Sit down and complete the homework together.
Don't expect them to remember that they have homework. Set up a time each evening where everyone sits down and does work together. Adults can read, work on a crossword puzzle, complete projects for work or home, pay bills etc.

Have a happy Sunday!
