Saturday, October 17, 2009


First Grade Newsletter

Oct. 17

Mrs. Eriksson's Class




We had a fun week with our storyline.  We set up camp, roasted marshmallows and rafted down the Deschutes River. We explored Class 3 and 4 rapids and told stories in our tent.  We also went fishing in Mirror Pond.  Thank you to Mr. Light and Mr. Laesky for helping with cast fishing and detangling many fishing lines and to the Lahertys and Mr. Ratcliff for teaching the kiddos how to fly-fish. 


Fish and Wildlife just stocked Shevlin Pond with large trout….may be a good time to go fishing.  Children under 12 do not need a license.

We also began to work on the itinerary that we will send the Fritz family.  We hope to have it done by next week.


Research Project:
If your child has not completed their research project PLEASE work on it this weekend.  It was due last Monday.  PLEASE make sure your children are involved in the project.  I ask several children about their research and they said they didn't do it, their parents did.  If the parents complete the research part of the project, the children will not be able to create a presentation.  Please talk with you children this weekend about what they researched.


Culmination:  Our Culmination will be on Wednesday, November 4



Poem folders did not come home this week.



Last week in Math we worked on:

·      Counting by 2's and 5's

·      Worked with out teen numbers

·      Introduced the telling time to the hour. 

·      Worked on number writing.

·      Worked on finding pairs with the sums of ten.




We worked

·      with the "et" word family

·      in skill set groups – curriculum depended on the needs of each group.

·      In guided reading groups



We will have PE this coming week on Wednesday.


Vocabulary we worked on this week:

Elements of Story:

·      Characters

·      Setting

·      Problem

·      Resolution



I hope you had a great weekend.  Nice snowstorm!
