Saturday, January 30, 2010

Januarry 30, 2010

Last week, Mr. Dean sent out an email regarding a master schedule and some changes that will be occurring in the some of the classrooms. This new schedule will begin Monday, February 8.
Our schedule is one that will be changing. I have spend countless hours working on a schedule that I feel meets the needs of my students. What does this mean for us? First and most importantly, the children are going to have to learn some new daily routines. I am hopeful that they will adjust quickly. Secondly, if you are currently volunteering in our room, the areas you are volunteering in may change. It is my hope that this will be workable for you. Please know that I love having all of you in my class and helping the children, but I completely understand if our new schedule does not fit your schedule or area of comfort. I am going to post the new schedule outside our classroom on Monday, Feb. 1. I have put your names in the time slots you are currently volunteering in so you can see what the changes are. If you need to change please cross out your name, as well as let me know.

As you know, the spelling bee took place on Friday for the kindergartners and first graders. We had many children stay in the competition for two to four rounds. I was very proud of all the kiddos that participated. In the end, Michael Chase won the event. Nice job Michael!

Last week we focused our energy on learning about animal classification. We watched a wonderful video on the subject and the student took notes as they were watching. It was VERY cool to watch them do this! We completed a picture sort with animals and created lists that described each class. Again, it was awesome to watch them work in groups of two and three. Next week we will begin writing our research papers and begin to create the animals found in our park. We will also be talking about what our responsibilities are as Junior Park Rangers.

Animal Research Assignments 1 and 2 are due on Monday, Feb. 1. If your child did not turn in the first assignment PLEASE help them complete it by Monday! The second assignment was sent home on Friday.

PLEASE help your child remember to put his or her name on their math homework assignments. Often, they can't figure out if it is theirs when I ask, therefore, I recycle it and send the assignment home again.

Reading Logs and books are due each Monday. If you do not want your child to receive books, let me know. However, the children are still responsible for turning in a reading log. It is a good habit to get into, as this requirement will continue through middle school.

Poem folders are due each Monday. Please read through them with your children over the weekend, as they are sent home on Friday.

YEARBOOK PRE-ORDERS are due this week. If you want to order a yearbook for your child, the order needs to be in this week. Please contact the office for details.

PENNIES FOR PEACE - this week is the last week of the Bend La Pine fundraiser for Pennies of Peace. If you can donate to this cause it will be greatly appreciated.

I hope you all have an enjoyable Sunday!